"You are the sky..everything else is just the weather"
Pema Chodron
Healing, heealinngg, heeeaaaalllllinnng.
Slow and steady. Head is good, stitches out, back and hip not good, not good at all, grindy, zingy, sharp pain, pain. Rehab has started, super focused, ice, heat, stretching, walking a bit, PT tomorrow. I will get there, slow and steady. Stretching for that balance in my body again.
Healing, heealinngg, heeeaaaalllllinnng.
Slow and steady. Head is good, stitches out, back and hip not good, not good at all, grindy, zingy, sharp pain, pain. Rehab has started, super focused, ice, heat, stretching, walking a bit, PT tomorrow. I will get there, slow and steady. Stretching for that balance in my body again.