Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lighting Storms..

Night Time Summer Lighting and Thunder Storm

I have very distinct memories of being a kid and sitting on the front porch of my Grandparent's house in New Kensington, PA, on Anderson Street to be exact. My Grandfather would sit in his chair on his front porch every night during the summer and watch the evening unfold into the night. When my Mother, sister and I visited which we did a lot, we'd do the same thing. We'd sit on the glider looking out into the night listening to my Grandfather hum a song or tell us stories while he smoked his cigar. Some nights a storm would slowly roll in and we'd curl up on the glider, our skin still hot from being in the sun all day and listen and watch as it came in, how the wind picked up, how the sound of thunder rolled across the sky like a huge bowling ball, the strikes of lighting that would make us flinch and the fresh smell of the rain hitting pavement and dirt. Those were simple times for me, being a kid in the summer. Looking back I see what a lovely way it is to spend your evening, on a porch listening,watching, just be there from one moment to the next as night creeps in. The video is something Craig took the other night when a storm moved through, this storm brought back those memories. Yes, Grandpa, we still have very excellent storms on summer nights.

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